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You are about to have your first contact with your Caribbean Service buy ambien sleeping tablets Provider!

(Hotel, Wedding Planner, Tour Operator, etc.)
There are simple things that you need to be remindful of when conversing from a distance. Good Manners!
The old adage, “You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar” still holds true. Treat others the way you would like to be treated, and you would be surprised to see how others go out of their way to make sure your requests are fulfilled.

1. Respect

Respect the person, respect the culture. Just because you may have a few dollars to spend in the destination, does not give you the right to be arrogant.

2. Honesty

When dealing with your Service Provider, do be honest. If you cannot afford it, do say so. Do not hide behind the ‘curtain’ of negative negotiation. If it is completely out of your budget, say so and ask if there is a substitute. You would be amazed that the Service Provider would perhaps go out of their way to make sure your wishes are granted.

3. Civility

Ah yes
 you are from a superpower and therefore speaking with “natives” so you are about to show them how things are done. Wrong!! With a smile and a gentle response to your overbearing demands, the Service Provider will make sure you are ‘nickel and dimed’ for everything.

4. Communication

Do be gracious in your communications (verbal, text, email, etc.) and clearly state what your objectives are for your memorable day and your budget limitations.

5. Laws

Each destination is governed by rules/laws. You must abide by these or you will have the opportunity to meet your local Ambassador from a confined space (Jail). If your Service provider cannot approve your request due to the laws of his/her country
refrain from unleashing your hostility. They must also abide by the laws.

6. Attire

You have a great body and the desire to show it off. Do save it for the beach and dress appropriately in public spaces. You would not do it in your hometown, then do not do it in someone else’s hometown.

7. Behavior

Loud, Aggressive, Profanity laced behavior will provide you the opportunity to meet the local law enforcement. Enough said on this, as you would now have memories to last a lifetime.

8. Gracious

Do treat others the way you would like to be treated, and have fun. That is why you are visiting the country – for a new experience and to have a memorable wedding or honeymoon.

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8 Tips on Etiquette